He's dynamically creating a movie that never ends.Īnd in the code behind he creates a VideoMediaStreamSource the had blogged about here, deriving from MediaStreamSource: _video = new VideoMediaStreamSource(, C64Display.DISPLAY_X, C64Display.DISPLAY_Y) Īnd it looks like: private byte _frames = new byte He was originally creating PNGs or Bitmaps and throwing it up on the screen as fast as possible, but then a member of the Silverlight team suggesting "making a video." What did he mean by "making a video?" He suggested actually using a Silverlight MediaElement (the "video player" control) and acting as a DataSource for a video. Pete wanted the screen to draw as fast as possible, which is 50Hz (50 times a second). It does have some pretty clever ideas, though, and I thought I'd take a look at those in this Weekly Source Code (which I promise to make more Weekly, starting now). A lot of the code as been ported directly over from Open Source C++ in the Frodo Emulator or from Sharp C64. Keep in mind that this is a labor of love that Pete's doing, and the code has been written in "gett'er done" mode, so it won't win any awards for aesthetic.

You can read Tim Heuer's blog post for details on how to get started with Silverlight 3 Beta and the tools you'd need or see some video of the emulator in action. He just launched the CodePlex site a few minutes ago (my time), but I've had the code for a while to play with. I had the pleasure of interviewing Pete Brown this last week and talking about the Silverlight 3 Commodore 64 Emulator he's been working on.